Silver Lake


Miles: 12 roundtrip

Elevation: 2,000 feet gained

Monte Cristo Area

The official trailhead is in the southwest corner of the old town of Monte Cristo, four and a half miles from the Mountain Loop Highway. You hear Sunday Falls at the trailhead, which is hard to miss as you start a fairly mellow climb to Poodle Dog Pass and drop down to the lake. This is a cirque style lake that sits below Silvertip Peak. An up and down trail to Twin Lakes leaves from Poodle Dog Pass area, but has not been kept up.  

  • Get there: Take the Mountain Loop Highway beyond Verlot 19.5 miles where the paved road becomes gravel. This is Barlow Pass and the gated road to the right is the Monte Cristo Road. Please park in designated areas only.

More pictures courtesy of Ed Hogle