008 Multi Season Elk Hunt for the Win!

008 Multi Season Elk Hunt for the Win!

Kris was drawn for the Multi Season Elk Tag and he is very excited. This is not a once in a lifetime, so he hopes to win this every year… Ha!

He is sort of torn on location because Western WA Roosevelt Elk is what he is leaning towards. We dig into all the details of what this tag means.

Kris describes the terrain where Roosevelt Elk are in Western Washington. He brings up scent indicating contraptions, which I was surprised we hadn’t discussed before.

Follow the podcast- https://www.instagram.com/iwillhuntpodcast/

Follow Cantrell Outdoors- https://www.instagram.com/cantrel

Cantrell Outdoors website- https://cantrelloutdoors.com

Jack Mattingly of the Whiskey Fever was nice enough to write a short song to use as the intro and outro. Check out Whiskey Fever: https://www.reverbnation.com/whiskeyfever

009 The Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker

009 The Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker

007 Talking Tags 101

007 Talking Tags 101